Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Countdown to Caligula

It's been a pretty quiet ten days or so - although not at work - but I'm heading down to London this weekend to meet Simon, my editor, for the first time which should be pretty interesting. We're meeting up for a chat at Transworld's offices in Uxbridge Road and then heading for lunch somewhere with Stina, the publicist who'll be masterminding our campaign. I've only been down to London a couple of times and never in the last few years, so I'm not sure what we'll do for the rest of the weekend. Any suggestions gratefully received. Caligula-wise the only thing of note was that I received a couple of book jackets which look brilliant - apart from the bloke on the inside back cover who looks far too pleased with himself. I've also been working on my crime book, Brothers in Arms, and today on the way home I finally think I got to grips with it. Stan, the agent, gave me some very good advice when I was rewriting Caligula. Basically, you set out the chapter headings and a paragraph of explanation for each, and it gives you a real insight into what you've got and what works and what doesn't in the flow of the story. It sounds like something any writer would do automatically, but it was new to me and it works.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

Book seats on the London Eye

Boat trip down the Thames

Watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Madame Tussaud's

National Gallery

Shakespeare's Globe

Not that I've done any of these lately as I live here...